
If Walmart is looking for another product to add to its Great Value range, perhaps it should look no further than Linux.

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Created by Noog 15 years 27 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 27 weeks ago
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15 years 27 weeks 3 days 54 min ago


Tipping point

I agree that this might be a tipping point for greater corporate Linux adoption. Anecdotally I'm also hearing of people in businesses using OpenOffice simply because they don't have the budget to buy MS Office or continue to pay subscriptions. In the next couple of years the FUD which has held back Linux use within businesses could evaporate, as financial necessity forces change.

I think much will hinge upon how well Windows 7 is received, and how it's marketed. If it turns out to be not much other than Vista with a facelift, and cost the same as Vista (or more), that could be a big opportunity for Linux.

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