
While it's true that allowing someone to view your code, leaves it somewhat more vulnerable than if it were hidden--it is not true that hidden code is more secure. So, if it's more vulnerable, why all the hype about Linux and open source and why does anyone think it's better?

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Created by anna 15 years 13 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 13 weeks ago
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15 years 13 weeks 12 hours 31 min ago



"While it's true that allowing someone to view your code, leaves it somewhat more vulnerable than if it were hidden--it is not true that hidden code is more secure."

WTF? Let me state it far more clearly:

Security through obscurity never works.

I think I understand the point the author is trying to make: Hackers can find vulnerabilities by reading GNU/Linux source code, but good guys can also patch those vulnerabilities. However, he explained this in a very poor way. The fact is, all exploits must be fixed by reading and modifying source (which FOSS facilitates), but exploits can easily be found (e.g. by fuzzing) without ever having source.

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