Google and Microsoft are at it again. But this time Google is attacking Microsoft for threatening Linux users for patent violations.
Read more »Linux group adds open-source attorneys to team
"The Linux Foundation Wednesday revealed that two attorneys well-known in the open-source community will make up the legal team for the group, which is aimed at protecting the interests of Linux in the community."
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Novell prepares for patent battle with Microsoft?
Novell has boosted its legal team with one of America's top patent lawyers in what is building up to be a legal battle with Microsoft.
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Google To Join Group To Protect Linux From Possible Patent Challenge
The Open Invention Network members share their Linux patents with each other and offer the prospect of a joint defense if Linux is confronted with a legal challenge.
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Open Invention Network™ Extends The Linux Ecosystem As Google Becomes Its First End-User Licensee
Open Invention Network (OIN), the company formed to spur innovation and protect the Linux System, today extended the Linux Ecosystem with the signing of Google as its first end-user licensee.
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Microsoft's overtures towards open source show just how scared it is
"THE VOLE is submitting its Shared Source licences to the Open Souce Initiative for certification, as announced in a keynote speech by Bill Hilf, Microsoft General Manager of Platform Strategy, on July 26 at the OSCON Open Source Convention held last week in Portland, Oregon."
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Google: Kill all the patent trolls
Google's head of patents believes the U.S. patent system is "in crisis". Discussing patent reform at the annual Stanford Summit in Northern California, associate general counsel Michelle Lee told conference attendees that the American system is "out-of-balance [and] needs to be remedied".
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Microsoft and Xen and Patent Leadership
Sam Ramji gave an excellent short talk at OSCON 2007 on Linux and Windows Interoperability: On the Metal and on the Wire. Sam described the collaborative work being done inside the Microsoft open source labs to better enable virtualization with the Xen world.
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IDC: Patents Inhibit Open Source Adoption
"Apparently patents do matter when it comes to open source software adoption."
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Wireless Software for Linux Cleared of Legal Uncertainty by SFLC
"Development of OpenHAL, a wireless network component for Linux, can now resume unfettered after months of legal uncertainty. OpenHAL allows people with wireless cards based on technology from Atheros Communications, Inc. to connect to networks using solely free and open source software."
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The Coming Software Patent Apocalypse
Every practicing programmer should read the Wikipedia article on software patents, if you haven't already. Many software companies are of the opinion that copyrights and trade secrets provide adequate protection against unauthorized copying of their innovations. Companies such as Oracle Corporation and Red Hat are therefore generally opposed to the patenting of software.
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Bill Hilf and Microsoft’s ‘Terror Culture’
A nice round up of the latest Microsoft getting into the open source side of things by of Roy Schestowitz.
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Linspire Linux deal 'worse than Novell'
"The terms of Linux distributor Linspire's agreement with Microsoft betrays a deal "worse" than that between Microsoft and Novell, according to legal expert Pamela Jones."
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What Linspire Agreed To
We can read the Linspire-Microsoft patent agreement now, and I thought it would be worthwhile to give it a close, line-by-line reading. I'll explain it as best I can, but ask your lawyer if it matters to you in a real-world sense. For our purposes here, let's just have fun with the worst deal I've seen yet in this category.
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Patent Deals With Microsoft Mean Death To Linux?
For sometime there, I generally figured that once the next revision of the GPL came about, all of these deals that are being made with Microsoft will eventually be put to bed. I was also delighted to see Mandriva standing against the alleged patent violations that Microsoft brought up time and again.
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