GRUB 2 is a new boot loader which comes with Ubuntu Karmic Koala. GRUB 2 is in charge of showing the menu that allows you to choose the operating system or Kernel version when your computer starts. This post will explain how to change the background image and colors in GRUB2.
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GRUB 1.97 Released
Among a long list of improvements, GRUB 1.97 includes support for booting the kernels of FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD.
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GRUB 2.0 Moves Closer With GRUB 1.97 Release
While Ubuntu 9.10 is using GRUB2 by default for its boot-loader on new installations, GRUB 2.0 has actually yet to be released even after many years in development. However, on this Sunday afternoon version 2 of GNU GRUB is closer to seeing the light of day...
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Linux Course: Understanding the GRUB Bootloader
This course provides a basic understanding of GRUB and gives you some illustrations on how to secure it and fix several common problems.
GRUB stands for Grand Unified Bootloader and was created in 1995 by Erich Boleyn as he wanted to have a multiboot option.
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How To Install GRUB 2 On Ubuntu 9.04
This tutorial shows how you can upgrade your GRUB bootloader to GRUB 2 on Ubuntu 9.04. GRUB 2 has been rewritten from scratch to clean up everything for modularity and portability.
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How To Set Up Software RAID1 On A Running System (Debian Lenny)
This guide explains how to set up software RAID1 on an already running Debian Lenny system. The GRUB bootloader will be configured in such a way that the system will still be able to boot if one of the hard drives fails (no matter which one).
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Protect your grub by applying a password to it (grub-md5-crypt is broken)
You have two ways to do that. Maybe you want the user to enter a password in order to boot the Recovery Mode or your secondary OS. You have to set that password in the /boot/grub/menu.lst - for higher security you should crypt your password with md5.
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Howto Password Protect Grub in Ubuntu / Debian Linux
Some recent posts showing that your linux box is not secure unless you installed a grub Password.
If you are an administrator of a highly sensitive server, you must do it.
To add a password for grub, first you must generate an md5 password hash using the grub-md5-crypt utility: grub-md5-crypt
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GRUB 2: the New Boot Loader in Ubuntu 9.10
At the UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit) for Karmic Koala took place this year in May Colin Watson had the pleasure to announce last night that GRUB 2 would definitely be the default boot loader in Ubuntu 9.10.
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GRUB 2 now default for Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
UDS (Ubuntu Developer Summit) for Karmic Koala took place this year, between the 25th and 29th of May, in Barcelona, Spain. There were 270 blueprints that needed to be discussed during the summit, like the new professional look of Plymouth (an application that takes care of the graphical boot animation) for Karmic Koala, which will not become reality very soon.
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Fix / Restore GRUB Boot Loader
Unfortunately, maintaining a multi-boot configuration like this can be a pain, especially if you later install an operating system which overwrites the GRUB boot loader you had in place (such as a version of Windows). If your boot loader is overwritten, you could be left with no choice but to boot the most recently installed OS.
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GRUB 2 Receives New Font Engine
GRUB 2, the next-generation Linux boot loader, has received a new font engine. Version 2 of the GRand Unified Bootloader introduces this new font engine that's written in C and with a font tool in Java. This engine will allow for better internationalization support including non-ASCII character codes and support for multiple fonts.
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Emergency Booting RedHat Linux With USB
How to boot RedHat Linux Rescue with USB Support Enabled.
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UnConfusing The Issue Of Disabling Root On Linux or Unix
A look at various ways to secure the root account against system users and some in-use methods that seem to cause more harm than good.
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AutoMagic and KGRUBEditor
KGRUBEditor will be a configuration UI and System Setting module for managing GRUB in KDE. It is beginning to turn into a very nice configuration tool, thanks to the skills and patience of Konstantinos Smanis (Artemis_Fowl). There are still some minor style-guide related UI issues to fix, such as aligning the labels to the right along a center line and wording in screens and warning messages.
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