The Mountain Argument That Could Be a Molehill


With all of the sturmundrang out there about Micrsoft's tentative foray into the world of open source licensing, it seems people may be missing another aspect of the discussion.

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extra's picture
Created by extra 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Dance on the grave of DRM video


This is a prototype of a video designed to tell the story of DRM. The life and death, the rise and fall, the here today, gone-tomorrow story of DRM.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Court Ruling Clouds Open Source Licensing


""In a decision centering around the violation of the Artistic License, a San Francisco court has denied an injunction against Matthew Katzer in the favor of Roberr Jacobsen of the JMRI project. Importantly, the decision makes the point that the Artistic License is a contract, an interpretation which the Free Software Foundation has been keen to avoid as a legal stance."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO Wants Novell's New Provisional Evidence Tossed --"We Played by the Rules"


SCO has filed a motion in limine, SCO's Motion to Strike Exhibits on Novell's Revised Exhibit List Not Previously Disclosed [PDF], seeking to strike some new exhibits from Novell's revised list of 26(a)(3)(C) pretrial disclosures.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Linux felon forced to install Windows


A GNU/Linux user was jailed for uploading a film onto a peer-to-peer service. Now he's being told he will have to switch to Windows if he wants to use a computer again.

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tryggvib's picture
Created by tryggvib 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

GPLv3 growth now at 19%, week over week


"...August appears to be a watershed month for GPLv3 adoption. Last week I mentioned that the new license saw 14% growth week over week. This week? 19%..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

U.S. organization edging to Microsoft's Open XML support


In a reversal, the American representative to the ISO standards body is now tentatively supporting the approval of Microsoft's Office Open XML document format as an open standard this year.

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Jimbob's picture
Created by Jimbob 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

How hypervisors can defeat GPLv3's "anti-tivoization"


This guest whitepaper explains how hypervisors can isolate proprietary software from GPLv2 and GPLv3-licensed software. Authored by a Trango product manager, it uses Trango's hypervisor as an example, showing how the technology could help safeguard copyright-encumbered multimedia content in a video playback device with a user-modifiable Linux OS component.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Critics urge rejection of Microsoft 'open' format


A Microsoft document format that may be adopted as an international standard this weekend is a ploy to lock in customers, who could lose control over their own data in a worst-case scenario, critics say.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

TorrentSpy squeezed out of the US


Hollywood's war on internet freedoms continues.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 17 years 6 days ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Google, Microsoft-backed group ready to Defend Fair Use


Earlier this month, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed a complaint with the FTC alleging that professional sports leagues, Hollywood studios, and book publishers were all using copyright notices that misrepresented the law. Now, the group has launched a web site called Defend Fair Use that shows they are serious about making the complaint stick.

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leo's picture
Created by leo 17 years 6 days ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

A Mountain of Filings in SCO v. Novell and a Kind Word About Groklaw


SCO and Novell have filed the most documents -- 16 filings, plus exhibits -- we've ever had in a single day. That only happens when I say I need to go to the beach. But one of the nicest things happened. Novell has responded [PDF] to SCO's slur against Groklaw

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 17 years 4 days ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Meet Mark Radcliffe: The man who rules open source law


As one of his clients told us, "Mark Radcliffe is the law when it comes to open source software."

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leo's picture
Created by leo 17 years 4 days ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft Antitrust Settlement Is a Success!


The Department of Justice has declared Microsoft's antitrust settlement to be a success, and if they say so, it must be true!

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missgeek's picture
Created by missgeek 17 years 4 days ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Did Not Support OOXML Proposal: CSI


CSI wishes to clarify that at no point has CSI supported the proposed standard in its present form. (A statement from the Computer Society of India)

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dave's picture
Created by dave 17 years 4 days ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

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