Which Licence is Best for the Future?


Recent discussions around the so-called “Open Core” model for open source have led to an entirely fresh thought: that we are about to enter a new and perhaps golden age in open source business. But which licence will ensure that golden age?

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gitikaru's picture
Created by gitikaru 14 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Oracle Hires SCO’s (and Novell’s) Lawyers


Of all the solicitors in the world Oracle has chosen MoFo and Boies Schiller, which one might recognise from SCO's (non)case against Linux

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Novell's Appeal Brief in the WordPerfect Litigation Against Microsoft


We have at last Novell's appeal brief [PDF] in the private antitrust case Novell brought against Microsoft regarding WordPerfect. The brief was filed with the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. It begins: "This case has been here before." Indeed. Here's the decision from the US District Court in Maryland that Novell is appealing, as text. But there's more.

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ford prefect's picture
Created by ford prefect 14 years 6 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Proof SCO Knew IBM Was Involved in Linux From 1998 Onward


Look what I just found, SCO's Partners page from 2002, on Internet Archive, and lo and behold, it provides proof positive that SCO, then calling itself Caldera, knew that IBM was involved with Linux as far back as 1998. That's the year Santa Cruz and IBM signed the agreement regarding Project Monterey, executed in October of 1998.

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johncuk's picture
Created by johncuk 14 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

HTC Files Answer with Counterclaims to Apple's Patent Infringement Suit


This could get interesting. HTC has filed its answer to Apple's complaint [PDFs] against them for patent infringement, with affirmative defenses and counterclaims.

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 14 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft Boosters of Software Patents in Linux/UNIX Sued for Patent Violation


Centrify and Likewise get sued, having attempted to outdo Free software by faking it and adding software patents to it

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Court Says First Sale Doctrine Doesn't Apply To Licensed Software


A federal appeals court ruled today that the first sale doctrine is "unavailable to those who are only licensed to use their copies of copyrighted works."

This should make freely licensed software even more appealing.

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spanky's picture
Created by spanky 14 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO gets more time to file appeal brief regarding its loss to Novell


SCO filed a motion asking for more time to file its appeal brief with the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. They needed 10 more days, and Novell agreed to it, so the clerk signed off on it the same day the motion was filed, and the new date for SCO to file its brief will be September 9.

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the_borg10001101's picture
Created by the_borg10001101 14 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Patent Office Admits Truth - Things Are a Disaster


Under new leadership, the US Patent and Trademark Office has begun to publish data on how long does it really takes to get a final answer on whether you will receive a patent. Answer, six years. The backlog of patents is almost 730 000.

Perhaps this will be the beginning of a patents reform?

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spanky's picture
Created by spanky 14 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Novell Responds to SCO's Objections to its Bill of Costs


Novell has responded to SCO's Objections to Novell's Bill of Costs for the two trials. Novell did not fail to notice and point out to the court SCO's cheeky move, asking that the court deny the entire bill, when some of it was costs the first Utah trial that had already been authorized by the court

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TMNGoat's picture
Created by TMNGoat 14 years 3 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Linux Foundation Simplifies FOSS License Management


The Linux Foundation used this year’s LinuxCon in Boston to launch its new Open Compliance Program, aimed at making it easier for companies that are new to using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to ensure that their products comply with open source licensing. Here's how it works…

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 14 years 3 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Lawsuit targets advertiser over sneaky HTML5 pseudo-cookies


An excellent argument against the use of iPads and iPhones with some surprising names on the roster of offenders.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 14 years 3 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO Files Appeal Brief - The 2nd Time Around


SCO has now filed its appeal brief with the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is the second time SCO has appealed a loss in the US District Court in Utah to this appeals court.

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toolbanger's picture
Created by toolbanger 14 years 3 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

The Cost of Free/Open Source Licensing FUD


Another player in the licence FUD market steps in for a round of self promotion

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 14 years 2 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Google Code now accepting all OSI approved licences


Google has announced that its open source Google Code project hosting service now supports any Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved licence

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keyboardninja's picture
Created by keyboardninja 14 years 2 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

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