
Interview with Richard Stallman about various topics; about the difference between the free software movement and open source, why Stallman rejects the term "intellectual property", the GPLv3 and Torvalds view on it, Microsofts patent claims, and about the Microsoft-Novell deal.

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akf's picture
Created by akf 17 years 1 week ago – Made popular 17 years 1 week ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:
snotbutter's picture


17 years 1 week 6 days 5 hours ago


when the hurd is being ready? then

when the hurd is being ready? then no more we are needing linux

aboutblank's picture


17 years 1 week 6 days 5 hours ago


It will be a while my friend. I

It will be a while my friend. I can easily imagine that it would take another 15 years if development continues at the current rate.

I've been playing around with Debian's Hurd distro and related source code and there is still much to be done. It takes much more effort to install Hurd than Linux. GNU doesn't have an official Hurd distro yet. Hurd currently supports less hardware than Linux does. The current GNU Hurd implementation has a 2gig partition limit.

On the plus side, X is working, there is work porting the Linux 2.6 driver support to Hurd and there is a nice unofficial Hurd graphical installer.

akf's picture


17 years 1 week 5 days 17 hours ago


The HURD is one project where they

The HURD is one project where they have failed so far, but there are hundreds which are a big success. Why do you laugh about this one failure, while not honor the rest? RMS himself has written the original gcc, emacs and not to forget the GPL. I would say, that his contributions were a very big success! Without his example there would probably be no free software at all. And the GNU project is not only about RMS...

aboutblank's picture


17 years 1 week 5 days 17 hours ago


Are you referring to me akf? If

Are you referring to me akf? If you are, I wasn't trying to make fun of anything; I am reporting the current situation which is not very pretty. I like the Hurd's architecture very much and I would very much like to see it succeed.

I am very serious about Hurd but it is pretty limited right now. In order to fix this situation, a greater investment in development is required. I want to help develop Hurd but I have only a small amount of theoretical knowledge about the innards of operating systems. I have recently bought Tanenbaum's operating system: design and implementation just so I can get some good information about this. I paid AU$150 for this book which is a fair amount to spend for any book.

I follow the Hurd mailing lists every day and I read source code when I get a chance. My current project is to implement a VESA framebuffer driver into Hurd. Next would be to implement a vision of a humane computing interface as theorised by Jef Raskin in his book, The Humane Interface. I want the Hurd to succeed.

akf's picture


17 years 1 week 5 days 16 hours ago


aboutblank: no, I was not referring

aboutblank: no, I was not referring to you, but to snotbutter. Maybe I misinterpreted him also. But unfortunately I know some who identify GNU with Hurd and nothing else; and who try to make a laugh with the question "when will Hurd be ready?".

I would also like to see Hurd succeed. Unfortunately I'm not good enough to help.

snotbutter's picture


17 years 1 week 4 days 23 hours ago


no. i very serious. i dont like

no. i very serious. i dont like waht linus say. he doesnt want freedom he just want to be the king of the oses. he doesnt care of gnu or gplv3. he also not respect rms which he should. i want use the hurd. i no kernel dev else i woudl help the project.
sorry my bad english. still learning

akf's picture


17 years 1 week 4 days 13 hours ago


Well okay snotbutter. Sorry for

Well okay snotbutter. Sorry for that then.

I also don't like the attitude of Linus Torvalds. But his kernel is free software under the GPL. So there is nothing wrong with that. That they stay with version 2 of the license is unfortunate, but not really a problem. It is just a problem when many others follow this lead and stay with GPLv2.

I already have relicensed my small projects under GPLv3.

underthelinux's picture


17 years 1 week 4 days 12 hours ago


OFFTOPIC @ snotbutter: Learning?

@ snotbutter:
Learning? Not bad. Re-written here since i can't PM you, for your reference.

"No. I am very serious. I don't like what Linus says. he doesn't want freedom, he just wants to be the kind of OSes. He doesn't care about GNU or GPLv3. He does not respect RMS, which he should. I want to use the HURD. I am not a kernel dev, or i would help develop the project."

dehumanizer's picture


17 years 1 week 3 days 15 hours ago


So Linux is not free, Linus does

So Linux is not free, Linus does not want freedom. The question is: who cares? I feel lucky that freedom is not what RMS thinks is.

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