
Everyone seems to have an opinion on the open core debate, and a popular opinion seems to inflict some sort of excommunication to anyone having a less than pure open source monetization process. Therefore I thought that I would add some unsolicited input to this matter.

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toolbanger's picture
Created by toolbanger 13 years 48 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:
TDTwister's picture


13 years 48 weeks 5 days 27 min ago


Lets see

We have spend the last how many years trying to give computer users (business or not) freedom. Then a new term arise as a ... well marketing trick. "Open Core" basically means that someone will get part of the source code with the freedoms you should have but not all. So hear is a suggestion instead of calling them "Open Core" you could call them "Close Crust" since the fact that the core is open become irrelevant in many case. At least this way the "user" will have better understanding of what he or she is getting into.

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