
Once considered by Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer as a plague on all software and the work of the devil, open source software is now accepted with open arms by Microsoft, even evoking their active support.

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sharkswithlazers's picture
Created by sharkswithlazers 15 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
lozz's picture


15 years 28 weeks 3 days 17 hours ago


M$ *cuddles* open source

Let "open source" cuddle up with M$ all they want. The Free Software Community well knows what happens to those that get into compromising situations with Microsoft...they end up getting shafted, then promptly dumped.

Balzac's picture


15 years 28 weeks 1 day 9 min ago



If anyone from Microsoft tries to cuddle you, say no and then go tell! Don't let them do to you what they did to Miguel!

akf's picture


15 years 28 weeks 3 days 12 hours ago


Microsoft tries to embrace Open Source

A better title would be: "Microsoft tries to embrace Open Source"


motters's picture


15 years 28 weeks 3 days 7 hours ago


ODF strategy

I think Microsoft will either implement ODF badly, or initially make a fair implementation but then never subsequently update it, so that it becomes more and more obsolete compared to their own format. Or they might just add nagg dialogs saying something like "Are you really sure you want to save this document as ODF?", which adds a psychological barrier making their own format less of a hassle to use. There are plenty of dirty tricks which MS can play, and have played in the past.

The other thing about MS and open source is their notorious patent promise. In business terms promises are worth nothing, and are non-transferable, whereas contracts and licenses carry much more legal weight. The regrettably OSI approved open source licenses written by MS are apparently associated with their patent promise.

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