
A while back I wrote an article titled Apple – The Competent Danger to Free Software. It got a lot of hits. It also caused a few people to send me emails, one of which called me a traitor to Free Software.

The problem that everyone ignores, is that if you are a musician, you haven’t really got a lot of choice. Apple’s products are the best available for musicians. Sure, there’s some software available for the Windows platform, but really it’s not all that good. There’s some software available for Linux too, but it’s limited.

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Created by The Mad Hatter 13 years 18 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 18 weeks ago
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13 years 18 weeks 4 days 15 hours ago


Apples and oranges

One problem encountered when assessing Apple products is that you're dealing with both hardware and software.

You can get great musical hardware from Fender or Gibson, but they won't try to tell there's a restricted list of songs that you'll be allowed to play on them without forking over extra cash. The software that comes with Apple hardware does try to do many things like this. M$ is even worse.

I've been out of the entertainment game for over two decades but I can't help noticing that you can cart around the equivalent of a multi-channel sound-desk, that would have needed two luggers to carry, on a laptop. And get it for free.

In fact, the friends who introduced me to Free Software, a decade ago, were also professional muso's who were knocked out by the standard of musical software they could download for free. Things can hardly have gotten worse, since then.

Apple seem to have specialised in offering simplistic, pre-packaged solutions that carry a lot of unwelcome strings attached.

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