
There could come a day when it will be against the law...at least in the United States to use, possess, advocate or distrubute any Linux Operating system.

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greengrass's picture
Created by greengrass 16 years 37 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 37 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:
kingmoffa's picture


16 years 37 weeks 5 days 3 hours ago


this is lame. If the US of A does

this is lame. If the US of A does starting being silly and paranoid about terrrorists, the economy would be sunk as every other business in the normal world will be using a free version of linux instead of paying the m$ tax.

Terrorists have been overtaken as the #1 risk to the US economy now (sub prime lending 1st).

clustrwlf's picture


16 years 35 weeks 3 days 15 hours ago


This isn't that far from the realm

This isn't that far from the realm of possibility. Even the author states that it is not apt to happen, but it would have been interesting to hear him expound on his idea. It seems that from some of the comments, to include the one that resides above me, that they have no clue what is happening around them. Do any of you know the President of china visited here and spent his first night in the US in the company and residence of Bill Gates? LOL. Gates got to bend his ear about piracy before bush got to him about anything.

Education in the US is Free son.... Given you are a citizen of Lady Liberty, it's a shame you didn't take advantage of a free education.

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