
"Linux creator Linus Torvalds said the authors of a new software license expected to be used by thousands of open source programmers are a bunch of hypocrites and likened them to religious fanatics -- the latest sign of a growing schism in the open source community between business-minded developers like Torvalds and free software purists."

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 49 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:
Jimbob's picture


16 years 49 weeks 3 days 12 hours ago


You know, I really think Linus

You know, I really think Linus should just stick with coding and leave the licensing to the people who know what they are talking about. He still doesn't seem to understand the implications of tivoization and I don't know if he ever will.

The only freedom you should not be able to have is the freedom to take someone's freedom. Linus keeps thinking from the perspective of the people (like Tivo) who want to take their customers' freedom and saying "The GPLv3 restricts my freedom". But he doesn't realise the only freedom GPLv3 takes is the freedom to take someone else's freedom.

The GPLv3 has exactly the same intent was the same in GPLv2. The only difference is that it has to cater to these sneaky companies that have been trying to find loopholes in the GPLv2.

petercruickshank's picture


16 years 49 weeks 3 days 7 hours ago


Exactly, there's nothing new here

Exactly, there's nothing new here at all. My prediction is 2007 will be the year of Desktop Gnu Hurd.

aboutblank's picture


16 years 49 weeks 3 days 5 hours ago


I wouldn't count on 2007 for the

I wouldn't count on 2007 for the year of the usable Hurd; more like 2020. The current investment into the Hurd is not large enough to make it a suitable Linux replacement for at least a few years.

kiba's picture


16 years 49 weeks 2 days 22 hours ago


The power to restrict one rights

The power to restrict one rights via copyright and patents are an artificial monopoly power, not freedom.

The GPLv3 restrict freedom to allowed freedom for end users is correct. It is using monopoly power to do the opposite of what it was intended to do, instead of restricting freedom, they gives more freedom.

Company wants the ability to control their customer's ability to customize their rightly owned machine, GPLv3 gives it back.

GPLv3 gives freedom boundary so others can enjoy freedom too. That is why anarchy will never work. Because freedom to kill, well leave others dead.

jmaslibre's picture


16 years 49 weeks 23 hours 15 min ago


quote, one coment in the source: "Smith

quote, one coment in the source:
"Smith commented on Jul 10, 2007 8:50:46 PM
What a load of sh...

Take a look at this:


For me it seems that author of this "article" has taken Mr. Torvalds' post entirely out of it's context. His post was far from full frontal attack against FSF or GPLv3 as this so called journalist tries to claim..."
This is the same mail: http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=118236278730043&w=4

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