
The open-source way of creating programs is still the best way, just don’t confuse it with being the perfect way — there’s no such thing.

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 15 years 47 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 47 weeks ago
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kiba's picture


15 years 47 weeks 2 days 4 hours ago


Because Free Softwares Made this Possible

It is the best way to develop software because only free software make it possible.

You see, if the free software ecosystem represent a classical example of perfect competition, then proprietary ecosystems represent the less than ideal situation. So free softwares represent the economic pinnacle of the free market. Thus it follows that naturally, better software development models came from the free software ecosystem.
*Copyright creates monopolies. Copyleft promote the free market.

*"Monopoly corrupts. Absolute monopoly corrupts absolutely"-- http://againstmonopoly.org

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