
Much as I hate to admit it, Microsoft does some things better, much better, than Linux. Number one with a bullet is how Microsoft helps programmers.

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a known eMouse's picture
Created by a known eMouse 14 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Industry   Tags:
stargrave's picture


14 years 5 weeks 5 days 14 hours ago


Article is talking about lame programmers, not hackers

GNU/Linux and the free software itself by nature were created by hackers, well-known and very good hackers. And hackerish software differs very much from common non-hackerish one, which is created by crowds of postgraduate students that as a rule are tought to program on C, C++, Java and so on -- languages are so common for commercials, that need to hide code in it's object form, making it closed source and non-free. Hackers program on much more attractive, programmer(?)-friendly very powerful languages and they do not think much about how to close it.

MSDN and nearly everything mentioned in this article is just another world of programming. Currently, I agree, not compatible with free software one, created and supported by hackers. The main question should be -- do we need to have an entrance of this commercialized world to GNU/Linux and other free software systems? Of course, as in freedom, everyone has ability to do everything. But should be support this other world, other type of thinking, other point of world's view (where money is everything)?

I think that there is no need to support those commercialized technologies. We must spread ideology, make social contacts to let those programmers to decide by themselves: what do they need? -- freedom respecting, respecting other users, or just another technological platform for spreading their proprietary software. If one will chose the free software way -- I am sure that he will like this hackerdom world that currently exists.

lozz's picture


14 years 5 weeks 5 days 7 hours ago



The main "help" M$ gives their programmers is to help inculcate them into a cult-like belief system with the core maxim of;

"proprietary software - good, Free Software - evil!"

motters's picture


14 years 5 weeks 5 hours 19 min ago


Insular article

This article seems to have been written by someone who is quite closed minded and clearly hasn't ever tried writing software on linux. He uses the same old FUD that writing software to run on linux distros is necessarily hard. Having written a lot of software on Windows myself in the past I can say that Microsoft has a lot of needless complexity in its APIs, which just doesn't exist on linux. The talk of "ISVs" is also straight out of a Microsoft textbook. In the FOSS world people writing software aren't usually described as "software vendors".

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