
It will take about two or three years for the ext4 filesystem, that has been adopted as the default by some community GNU/Linux distributions, to be routinely deployed on production systems, according to senior Linux kernel hacker Theodore Ts'o.

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Created by mmclarkson 14 years 21 weeks ago
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14 years 21 weeks 3 days 7 hours ago


ext4 prime time now

After using ext4 for a couple of monthes, I'm more than happy with it already.

fsck that used to take 20 mins to dispatch are now complete in twenty seconds.

File transfer via USB speeds are the great winner. With ext3 I'd get between 5 and 6 MBs per second on large mixed content volumes. With ext4 I'm getting anywhere from 10 to 20 MBs per second depending on the particular content.

Recently, I saw 10 GB of iso's rip through at 25 MBs a second.

Ext4 appears to improve the more you use it, as well.

Full marks, ext4, you've won me over.

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