
Following on from the success of their first book on SugarCRM, Packt is pleased to announce its follow up. Written by CRM expert Dr Mark Alexander Bain, SugarCRM Developer's Manual focuses on customizing this open source CRM.

SugarCRM is the world's leading commercial open-source customer relationship management (CRM) software for companies of all sizes. SugarCRM easily adapts to any business environment by offering a more flexible, cost-effective alternative to proprietary applications.

SugarCRM's open-source architecture allows companies to more easily customize and integrate customer-facing business processes in order to build and maintain more profitable relationships. SugarCRM offers several deployment options, including on-demand, on-premise and appliance-based solutions to suit customers' security, integration, and configuration needs.

In SugarCRM Developer’s Manual, Dr Bain provides an overview of the architecture of the application and database and covers the essential steps for hooking a module into the SugarCRM infrastructure.

The book has been written for PHP developers working with SugarCRM, who want to extend its capabilities. Readers should have a basic knowledge of SugarCRM as the book does not cover installation and usage of SugarCRM. This information can be gained from Packt’s first SugarCRM book, Implementing SugarCRM: http://www.packtpub.com/sugarcrm/book.

SugarCRM Developer's Manual: Customize and extend SugarCRM by Dr Mark Alexander Bain is published by Packt and is available to buy now: http://www.packtpub.com/Customize-SugarCRM-PHP-MySQL-Open-Source-Develop...

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