
A free, open-source Windows "clone" - ReactOS - that has been in development for over a decade has caught the eye of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

A student at a Russian high school the president visited recently gave Mr Medvedev a brief overview of the project - and asked him for 1m euros.

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akf's picture
Created by akf 12 years 33 weeks ago – Made popular 12 years 33 weeks ago
Category: Government   Tags:
akf's picture


12 years 33 weeks 2 days 4 hours ago



The Homepage for ReactOS is http://reactos.org/

A more in depth article is there too:

"I will see. We will think. Million or not, but we will think" President Medvedev said.

lozz's picture


12 years 33 weeks 2 days 3 hours ago


He should "think", too

It's high time that Medvedev and Putin had a long, hard "think" about the security risk that wide-spread use of Microsoft represents to the Russian nation.

Microsoft is the favoured software of the Western Power Elite and has the grimy fingerprints of their most secret "security" services smeared all over it.

This Power Elite hates Russia and is actively planning its destruction.

Common-sense would tell them that anything recorded on a Microsoft computer can be read by Ballmer, Clinton and the entire House of "Lords" the very next day.

M$: the world's greatest trojan!

Lanadapter's picture


12 years 33 weeks 1 day 20 hours ago


Been testing this OS

It will be a great tool to move people into a more free desktop, at least in places that don't have idiotic software patents.

spanky's picture


12 years 33 weeks 1 day 15 hours ago


Binary compatibility with windoze

is only good for running proprietary stuff. It may be better to run it on a free software operating system than on a proprietary os but only marginally. I think going all the way libre would serve Russians and everybody else much better. I know because I've done it.

akf's picture


12 years 33 weeks 1 day 12 hours ago


I'm not a big fan of this

I'm not a big fan of this approach, either. But it is good to have that option. While many will use it to run unfree software, but still it is a step in the right direction for them. And most people who don't switch to a fully free system say they don't do it, because they need that software…

Lanadapter's picture


12 years 33 weeks 1 day 9 hours ago


Well, that's the plan

But people have a hard time leaving there comfort zone, and having the option for the non free programs will be a huge help in moving to an all libre system.

This is how it happened with me. At first I used wine to run windows stuff, but later replaced it with all free software.

Plus, there does exist free software for windows(and thus reactOS), and not everyone is going to want to switch from the NT ways of doing things to the *nix ways.

akf's picture


12 years 33 weeks 1 day 12 hours ago


By the way

By the way, ReactOS uses a lot of code from wine.

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