
The BBC has at long last announced it is adding Linux support to the forthcoming TV over the Internet iPlayer service.

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achingbaby's picture
Created by achingbaby 16 years 35 weeks ago
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aboutblank's picture


16 years 35 weeks 2 days 23 hours ago


iPlayer is non-free. What if we

iPlayer is non-free. What if we want to use the Syllable system? The KolibriOS system? The Hurd system? If we had access to the source AND sharing AND improvement rights to it, then we would be able to support ourselves. We would be able to get it to run wherever we want it to run and we will be able to share our improvements with others. Since it is non-free, we are completely dependant upon the owners, Adobe, Microsoft and BBC.

candtalan's picture


16 years 35 weeks 2 days 46 min ago


Agreed, although it is a start.

Agreed, although it is a start.
Isn't there an open source project Gnash - which aims to function as flash?

aboutblank's picture


16 years 35 weeks 1 day 22 hours ago


Uh? I wasn't aware that iPlayer

Uh? I wasn't aware that iPlayer depended upon flash. It seems that iPlayer will use flash. Even so, iPlayer is still not free software.

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