
Cloud computing may a little over-promised, but it isn't "worse than stupidity," as Richard Stallman would say. In fact, it's really a very positive change in the way we use computers. Not only does it eliminate many of the barriers to using any operating system you want, but it also takes the responsibility of storing and backing up data off of the user. This is all in a very early stage, but the glitches should be worked out in a few years.

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Created by tisha 14 years 32 weeks ago
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14 years 32 weeks 4 days 14 hours ago


Stallman's right!

Richard Stallman is absolutely right when he describes storing all your data somewhere up in the "clouds" as being "worse than stupidity".

Just ask the people who lost all their data in a M$-CLOUD how stupid they feel.

All Ballmer does about it is sing;

Somewhere over the rainbow
your data's gone
and the dreams that you dared to dream
never did come true

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