
"Predictably, it seems that Dell is dropping Ubuntu PC prices which at first pass would seem like fantastic news. But then you have to couple this fact with the realization that they are not exactly promoting their provided Ubuntu PCs."

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 44 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 44 weeks ago
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biffster's picture


16 years 44 weeks 1 day 22 hours ago


It would help if the author had

It would help if the author had gone to the right page on Dell's website. http://dell.com/open takes you right to the Windows-alternative offerings, including all the Ubuntu models.

spikeb's picture


16 years 44 weeks 1 day 20 hours ago


i think that reinforces the idea

i think that reinforces the idea that dell isn't promoting it properly.

kiba's picture


16 years 44 weeks 1 day 20 hours ago


If it sell better than expected,

If it sell better than expected, we still win.

It still a success for Dell because they discovered a new niche market for their computers.

Why would they want to do a publicly stunts that will hurt them in the long run and waste money selling computers with ubuntu for a short while?

It isn't a publicly stunt. It is a risky but smart business decision. Dell win because they widen the markets for their computers, while geeks win because they don't have to spend money on windows.

Maybe dell didn't advertise because dell thinks Ubuntu are only for computer geeks(while still making money) and they didn't want to risk frugal customers buying linux computers when they want windows instead.

spikeb's picture


16 years 44 weeks 1 day 17 hours ago


for the record, i see nothign wrong

for the record, i see nothign wrong with dell's current approach.

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