
This write up is a response to the 14th comment on a post I made on Jan 28. I thought my reply should actually be shared with you in case you are also thinking along the same lines like him (or her??). I am actually going to assume that Mr. Anonymous is using Ubuntu but actually needs a check list to evaluate whether it is the right OS for him and if Open Source in general is good for him. So here goes. Ubuntu Linux is not suitable for you if...

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iamspam's picture
Created by iamspam 14 years 17 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 17 weeks ago
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stargrave's picture


14 years 17 weeks 1 day 22 hours ago


Freedom haters

Additionally it is not suitable for people does not respecting freedom. Either own or someone else one.

Mr. Psychopath's picture

Mr. Psychopath

14 years 17 weeks 1 day 11 hours ago



You just love ripping on any system that disagrees with your own personal views, don't you?

How does it not respect freedom? Does it have Mono, and you cry yourself to sleep over it?

Is it the proprietary drivers, or the video codecs, or what? This distro focuses on usability for the end user, allowing just about anyone to use Linux.

You can even remove the parts that you don't like. What's the big problem? It's a linux distribution, not a religious philosophy or way of life. People don't die over the inclusion of Mono or not.

Mr. Psychopath's picture

Mr. Psychopath

14 years 17 weeks 1 day 11 hours ago




Apparently they're going with Nouveau drivers by default. WHO'S THE FREEDOM HATER NOW?

stargrave's picture


14 years 17 weeks 1 day 3 hours ago



You just love ripping on any system that disagrees with your own personal views, don't you?
I am ripping on any system that disagrees with free software ideology, against it, permits freedom-killing applications and code exist.

How does it not respect freedom? Does it have Mono, and you cry yourself to sleep over it?
Who does not respect freedom? Ubuntu? I did not say so. I said exactly opposite thing: that it (Ubuntu) it is not suitable for people does not respecting freedom. Ubuntu does. It respects freedom. That is why people that do not understand it, won't be quite happy to see missing of bad nVidia-proprietary drivers, many codecs, Flash and so on.

Is it the proprietary drivers, or the video codecs, or what? This distro focuses on usability for the end user, allowing just about anyone to use Linux.
Actually Ubuntu has less or more perfect focus on freedom together with usability. By default it does not offer user to use non-free software. Otherway -- it will warn him about it.

Apparently they're going with Nouveau drivers by default. WHO'S THE FREEDOM HATER NOW?
That is perfect news! Ubuntu is doing a good job! And I can only support it! People that spits on free software want to see only high performance in graphics, that is why they maybe won't like this driver switching. And I am calling those people ``freedom haters'' -- not Ubuntu one. I think that you misunderstand me.

Mr. Psychopath's picture

Mr. Psychopath

14 years 17 weeks 20 hours 4 min ago


Damn it.

I did, my firm apologies. I thought you were arguing AGAINST Ubuntu, and as someone who actually really likes the distro, I took your post in the wrong context.

stargrave's picture


14 years 17 weeks 19 hours 43 min ago


Re: Damn it

I see. Well, everybody is a human and mistakes for human are absolutely normal thing.

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