
For some users, the computer is unfathomable - leading them to make bizarre assumptions about technology and the effect of their own actions. Here are a few irrational beliefs such users develop.

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a known eMouse's picture
Created by a known eMouse 14 years 42 weeks ago
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14 years 42 weeks 4 days 6 hours ago


B.F, Skinner

It's significant that this Windows using author should invoke one of the great enemies of mankind, BF Skinner, with his Pavlovian ideas of man as an automaton, to describe the reactions of typical M$ users to their operating systems.

Every time I have the misfortune to turn on a M$ machine I seem to feel BF Skinner's fetid breathe on my neck.

I feel certain that Microsoft's principal designers were well-trained in Skinner's deplorable philosophies and employed them thoroughly in order to maintain control of their unfortunate customers.

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