
Today, I was looking at a couple of interesting news and opinion pieces that made me think of an unfortunate truth that we've written about before: Linux has no marketing.

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Created by freda 14 years 36 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 36 weeks ago
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14 years 36 weeks 3 days 20 hours ago


Some heavy FUD

I agree that Linux needs better marketing. Most computer users don't use Linux simply because they're unaware of its existance, or they don't know anything more about it beyond its name.

The comments for that article seem to contain a lot of FUD-meistering by anonymous people clearly biased in favour of Microsoft (are they Microsoft employees perchance?). The usual nonsense about Linux being hard to use seems to be being peddled, and because of lack of positive marketing the naive reader can only assume that these statements are correct.

Perhaps there needs to be some Linux equivalent of the "get the facts" campaign, in order to dispell the now very tired and erroneous myths originating from Redmond.

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