
There is a frustrating phenomenon that I notice amongst many technology enthusiasts and general users, the conditioning to pathetically expect new progress from the software companies. All too often I see someone claiming to be a fan, asking, pleading, begging, wishing, warning or even threatening any software company so that they would implement a feature that they wish for.

This is the mentality of a slave.

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aboutblank's picture
Created by aboutblank 15 years 25 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:
Balzac's picture


15 years 25 weeks 2 days 17 hours ago


Amen, aboutblank.

Proprietary software users lose their mojo and learn to think like sheep because they're accustomed to being helpless by virtue of using software they neither improve nor share.

The true software enthusiast must be willing and capable of self-reliance as a programmer and administrator. Accepting software subjugation is not an option.

aboutblank's picture


15 years 25 weeks 2 days 9 hours ago


While it is fine for a

While it is fine for a computer software enthusiast to be a proficient systems administrator and software programmer, I never place any emphasis on possessing a good command of computer technology. Instead, I always promote and emphasise freedom. Associated with this are the facts of computer software - working with computers always require time and effort, you either do it yourself or you find someone else to help you. In most cases, this will mean paying full rates for help from a software professional OR paying through your time in order to learn about the various systems.

In other words, somebody has to work the computer system to make it operate as it should - you either do it yourself with your own time or pay someone else for their expertise and time.

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