
The scary Penumbra game trilogy, has just recently been ported natively to GNU-Linux by the manufacturer, Frictional Games. The Penumbra games are first person survival horror and physics puzzle games which challenge the player to survive in a mine in Greenland which has been taken over by a monstrous thing. The game is remarkable for its physics engine - the player can grab and throw pretty much anything in the environment. The physics engine drives objects to fly and fall exactly as one would expect.

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Created by einfeldt 14 years 44 weeks ago – Made popular 14 years 44 weeks ago
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14 years 44 weeks 10 hours 46 min ago


Penumbra Software is probably non-free

As far as I can tell, this Penumbra software is non-free. I don't have any conclusive evidence to support this.

I have noticed the lack of news about the Penumbra games being "open source". When propretary programs are "made open source" (liberated to the users) there is usually a fanfare celebrating the occasion in the news. As a result of this lack of news relating to the liberation of Penumbra, I will choose to interpret this news as being a port of a proprietary program to the GNU/Linux system.

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