
"I became a fan of Eben Moglen when I saw this quote from him: “We also live in a world in which the right to tinker is under some very substantial threat. This is said to be because movie and record companies must eat. I will concede that they must eat. Though, like me, they should eat less.” This logic could be applied across the board in society! Computerworld recently featured an interview with Eben Moglen..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 40 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 40 weeks ago
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kiba's picture


16 years 40 weeks 18 hours 38 min ago


And MPAA/RIAA will eat less

And MPAA/RIAA will eat less because they FAIL TO ADAPT to changing time.

If they embrace freedom, it is not only just good for society but good for them too.

But they continue their short sighted war with the consumers, which will lead to their own destruction.

Fighting "piracy" will ultimately hurt them more than it does benefit them.

The economic winners will not be the MPAA/RIAA if they continue their path, but society along with business that embrace the business model that is needed to survive the 21st century.

If they reverse the direction, the winners will include them along with everybody else. And they will be richer because of it.

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