
"The FFII congratulates Eric S. Maskin, an economist who has long criticised the patenting of software, for receiving the 2007 Nobel Prize for Economics. Prof. Maskin and two colleagues receive the Prize for research into the optimal design of economic mechanisms. By applying his theory to the IT sector, Maskin demonstrated 'that in such a dynamic industry, patent protection may reduce overall innovation and welfare.' ..."

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Created by can.axis 16 years 44 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 44 weeks ago
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16 years 44 weeks 4 days 17 hours ago


"...One recent subject of Professor

"...One recent subject of Professor Maskin’s wide-ranging research has been on the value of software patents. He determined that software was a market where innovations tended to be sequential, in that they were built closely on the work of predecessors, and innovators could take many different paths to the same goal. In such markets, he said, patents might serve as a wall that inhibited innovation rather than stimulating progress..."

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