
Microsoft latches onto Moodle to create lock-in at schools

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 10 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 9 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
Mr. Psychopath's picture

Mr. Psychopath

15 years 9 weeks 6 days 15 hours ago



Here's what I fail to understand:

For years, FOSS supporters beg and beg Micrsoft to be more like the FOSS community- to get rid of the "Extend and Extinguish" philosophy, and do what the GNU developers have done all along.

Now, although they may have done something wrong that caused them to require a GPL release, the fact is they released GPL code. Not MPL. GPL. They suddenly do what we used to ask of them for years, and the best you can come up with is:

"OHhhh, they're poisoning the community with their tainted code."

BN's credibility has just slipped down another notch for me. You can't be satisfied with the fact that the "enemy" is now helping Free Software, and the fact that they now have to adhere to GPL code. Let's face it: in the long run Free Software has won due to this very fact.

My blood pressure rises every time I come to the front page of this place anymore, with all the community-based FUD plastered on it by so-called "journalists" that cite themselves and can't keep their facts straight. Thanks for ruining my experience in just enjoying Free Software for what it is, guys.

mikankun's picture


15 years 9 weeks 6 days 8 hours ago


Hypocrisy? I think not

For years, FOSS supporters beg and beg Micrsoft to be more like the FOSS community- to get rid of the "Extend and Extinguish" philosophy, and do what the GNU developers have done all along.

They're still following the "extend and extinguish" path. The most recent example being netbooks which at first they didn't care about. Then when Linux suddenly became popular on them they did everything in their power to reach out and kill it (asus being a good example). Sad thing is they still don't care for the netbook market, they just don't want GNU/Linux to be a part of it.

Now, although they may have done something wrong that caused them to require a GPL release, the fact is they released GPL code. Not MPL. GPL. They suddenly do what we used to ask of them for years, and the best you can come up with is:

"OHhhh, they're poisoning the community with their tainted code."

The submission is purely to increase sales of Windows and add another bullet point for the next time they get called in to court for an anti-trust case. I'm personally not worried about the code itself since I know the kernel developers will do extensive testing and make sure it's stable before it gets released. However I personally don't trust Microsoft. I don't trust any company that spends 10+ years (and counting) attacking and discrediting free software. The funny thing is that although they may seem like they're trying to buddy up to the community with their patent promise and now their kernel contribution (which really doesn't help GNU/Linux at all) they're still going around extorting companies that support GNU/Linux over patents. Microsoft can't be trusted as they have shown time and time again.

BN's credibility has just slipped down another notch for me. You can't be satisfied with the fact that the "enemy" is now helping Free Software, and the fact that they now have to adhere to GPL code. Let's face it: in the long run Free Software has won due to this very fact.

Again, the enemy is not helping us but rather helping themselves. Customers avoiding Windows' virtualization solutions because of poor GNU/Linux support is the cause for this "help". The free software community does not benefit from this at all.

My blood pressure rises every time I come to the front page of this place anymore, with all the community-based FUD plastered on it by so-called "journalists" that cite themselves and can't keep their facts straight. Thanks for ruining my experience in just enjoying Free Software for what it is, guys.

I really fail to see how a couple of articles ruin your experience with free software. If you think Microsoft's contribution is a good thing then you're entitled to you're opinion so just vote accordingly on the articles you disagree with.

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