Illegal downloaders of music and movies are at the forefront of technology—and it's time the industries caught up.
Full story »Illegal downloaders of music and movies are at the forefront of technology—and it's time the industries caught up.
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16 years 44 weeks 3 days 10 hours ago
What the "pirates" are doing
What the "pirates" are doing are not wrong.
They're just distributing their own private copy of the work.
Don't see anything wrong with making copies of your car that you brought from a manufacturer and giving it to everybody.
Don't see anything wrong with giving a 1000 copy of that Italian food that come from somebody else.
Don't see anything wrong with making money off distributing stuff either. See RedHat for example.
So tell me, intellectual monopoly proponents, why is it wrong to share or do useful services of distributing an author's work(and sometime modification), especially without authors' blessing or permissions?