
Now I may just be showing my geek side a bit here, but file systems are awesome. Aside from the fact our machines would be nothing without them, the science behind them is frequently ingenious. And ZFS (the Zettabyte File System) is no different. It has quite an extensive feature set just like its peers, but builds on this by adding a new layer of simplicity. According to the official site, ZFS key features are (my summary):

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tony's picture
Created by tony 17 years 14 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 14 weeks ago
Category: High End   Tags:
raseel's picture


17 years 13 weeks 2 days 10 hours ago


Hmm.. Sounds cool !! Can't wait

Hmm.. Sounds cool !! Can't wait to try it out

uslacker's picture


17 years 13 weeks 1 day 5 hours ago


If plain english measn just quote

If plain english measn just quote - don't interpret, then this article is plain english. Otherwise it is useless. Why would I want to read a repackaged Sun press release without interpretation or explanation.
I love this ditty: "I'll let the website explain "The pipeline operates on I/O dependency graphs and provides scoreboarding, priority, deadline scheduling, out-of-order issue and I/O aggregation." Or in short, it handles loads well."
If you can't explain it why bother.

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