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A couple of weeks ago (Dec 12, 2009 to be exact) Miguel di Icaza made a bold move and pulled all GPL code out of MonoDevelop, replacing it with LGPL Of course the open source community had a lot to say about this.
Dear Miguel: During the last couple of weeks there has been a tremendous amount of information pouring about Mono, the free (speechwise) implementation of .NET started by you, Novell's vice-president of Development Platform, and how it should/would be handled by distros. We even had RMS himself come into the fray and tell us his take on it (which he had been mum about till now).
When Microsoft first created the .NET programming environment, along with C#, it made a point of offering the standard behind the language and environment to the public. Miguel de Icaza would say it was a smart move, because he’s the fellow who decided to implement those specifications in Linux…
What is Miguel de Icaza's latest game? His obsession with tailgating everything that Microsoft develops - and trying to impress the company by producing Linux equivalents - now seems to be spreading to others as well.
An article that quotes rather damning material about Mono suddenly vanishes without a trace and Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza still attacks critics of patents around Mono (which he himself implicitly criticised in the now-vanished article)
Over the past week, a couple of events have served to highlight the extent to which Novell vice-president Miguel de Icaza is helping Microsoft to implement its strategy of curbing the growth of free and open source software.