
Media that spy on and data-mine the public are capable of destroying humanity's most precious freedom: freedom of thought. Ensuring that media remain structured to support rather than suppress individual freedom and civic virtue requires us to achieve specific free technology and free culture goals. Our existing achievements in these directions are under assault from companies trying to bottleneck human communications or own our common culture, and states eager to control their subjects' minds. In this talk--one of a series beginning with "The dotCommunist Manifesto" and "Die Gedanken Sind Frei"--Eben Moglen offers some suggestions about how the Free World should meet the challenges of the next decade.

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Created by JRepin 12 years 19 weeks ago
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12 years 19 weeks 2 days 8 hours ago


Is there a way to see this video

that doesn't involve the big G? ("google")

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