
Wait… WTF ?! I never heard about it, and Google just threw around a bunch of entries when asked.

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electrocomputer's picture
Created by electrocomputer 15 years 21 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 21 weeks ago
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sgbeal's picture


15 years 20 weeks 5 days 12 hours ago


In beta, but not accessible...

UbuntuOne is currently only available by invitation, and there's a waiting list (with an unspecified waiting period) for an invitation. Not only that, but their service is 6x as expensive as Dropbox (per GB, pre-paid yearly) and works (according to their docs) only on Ubuntu, whereas Dropbox works on Win/Mac/Linux. They offer 10GB of space for $10/month ($120/year), whereas Dropbox (with whom i am NOT affiliated) offers 50GB for $10/month or $100/year pre-paid.

i just don't see a compelling reason to choose Ubuntu over Dropbox. Until we see the source code for the UbuntuOne server, there's not even the "but it's free as in GPL!" argument.

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