
As a lawyer, law professor and software programmer, Eben Moglen is passionate about technology, software and user freedom. A former board member of the Free Software Foundation and the founder, president and executive director of the Software Freedom Law Center in New York since 2005, Moglen has worked to protect and advance open source and free software.

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Created by komrad 16 years 44 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 44 weeks ago
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16 years 44 weeks 5 days 1 hour ago


Why I align myself to free software

> The difficulty that they experience, that they call vendor lock-in, or noninteroperability, is a difficulty which is really a businessman's equivalent of Stallman's frustration at unfreedom. They are essentially the same recognition: **If I don't control my technology, it will control me.**

It is a crying shame that people fail to understand the evils of subjecting your livelyhoods to the owners of proprietary software.

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