"At the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit held at the Googleplex last week, Linux developers, IHVs (independent hardware vendors), and ISVs (independent software vendors) hashed out their differences in an attempt to find common ground."
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17 years 16 weeks 15 hours 52 min ago
> It's just too much trouble to
> It's just too much trouble to develop -- never mind support -- software for so many slightly different versions of the same operating system.
HAH!!!! That's your problem and not a problem of the Free Software community (though this may be a problem for the Open Source community). You are the ones choosing to maintain your monopoly over the information contained within the program so therefore, you have the burden of ignoring the customer demand which is getting the program running in Linux. Release your software as free software and **any** user with the correct resources will improve it to get it running as they require.