I have often been called a fool for paying for software that everybody else pirates. Suddenly, I was neither paying for software nor stealing it. I felt relieved, literally. I was no longer a fool, and I had stood my moral ground. My data was accessible and safe. My whole computer was safe, for that matter, as months went by with neither virus nor operating system crash. I started laughing when I saw other's machines BSOD on them, or when I heard complaints of viruses and other malware.
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Created by peacemaker 17 years 15 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 15 weeks ago
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17 years 15 weeks 3 days 11 hours ago
"I have often been called a fool
"I have often been called a fool for paying for software that everybody else pirates. Suddenly, I was neither paying for software nor stealing it." I feel this exact same thing. It's much better to be compliant with an ethical license than to ignore an unethical one.