Say you bought a cellphone. Say you decided you didn't like the look of it much.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could sketch your ideal design, have a buddy knock it up in a 3D modeling program, then see it in the flesh? With OpenMoko's FreeRunner, an open-source linux cellphone, it's a piece of cake: the CAD files are on the net for all to download.
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Dark Star
16 years 29 weeks 6 days 16 hours ago
Gr8 Open SOurce Platform..
Open Moko is one the best Mobile OS .. It will surely rock the stage.. and hope open source coders will make this project a wonder ;)
16 years 29 weeks 6 days 14 hours ago
All they have to do is
All they have to do is release the fricking phones.
I won't be getting it though, because I am just a high school student with very little money.
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