
Maarten Koster, President, Novell Asia Pacific, talks to Kushal Shah about the different strategies adopted by Novell and the company’s partnership with Microsoft.

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Created by peacemaker 17 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 12 weeks ago
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17 years 11 weeks 6 days 20 hours ago


The interview is interesting. Novell

The interview is interesting. Novell is in a difficult situation: legacy products are shrinking but Linux is still too small to make up for that shrinkage. "The Deal" will temporarily help but will that momentum help grow Linux? Koster does not even mention patents... He is skating on thin ice with holes in it.

Novell grew because they filled the gap caused by M$'s lack of connectivity. Now that M$ is huge M$ does not really need Novell and M$ surely does not need or want Linux. This is not about changing Linux for interoperability. The EU has ordered M$ to increase transparency/become interoperable and they have refused. The Deal is just window dressing for M$ and part of the FUD of software non-patents.

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