CATS, industry's first Open Source Enterprise Applicant Tracking System is discontinued and it's no longer available for download. The hosted service is only available now
Full story »CATS, industry's first Open Source Enterprise Applicant Tracking System is discontinued and it's no longer available for download. The hosted service is only available now
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16 years 28 weeks 19 hours 22 min ago
CATS Open Source Version discontinued
This is a very pathetic marketing strategy - to release a software as Open Source and once it receives good publicity as Open Source make it closed.They are actually making fool of the Open Source community
16 years 27 weeks 5 days 3 hours ago
The licence terms are your defense against unethical behavior
There always seem to be some companies who just don't "get" the free/open source development model, and end up trying to cheat developers and users. This is why the terms of the license are so important. If the license requires developers to sign all their copyrights over to a single company potentially that company can screw them once it thinks it can get away with it.