This tutorial shows how you can install and use AVG Antivirus on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn desktop. Although there aren't many Linux viruses out there, this can be useful if you often exchange files with Windows users
Full story »This tutorial shows how you can install and use AVG Antivirus on an Ubuntu Feisty Fawn desktop. Although there aren't many Linux viruses out there, this can be useful if you often exchange files with Windows users
Full story »
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 12 hours ago
non free software.
non free software.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 4 hours ago
Yep, so much for this site being
Yep, so much for this site being about Free Software news. Looks just like LXer to me.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 4 hours ago
Buried. Please do not submit articles
Buried. Please do not submit articles about proprietary software to Free Software Daily.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 3 hours ago
We (the users) submit the articles.
We (the users) submit the articles. We (the users) vote for the articles. We (the users) can also bury stories. Please feel free to do so. If you think the community should not be voting for, or should be burying, this sort of story then feel free to say so. But don't wait till it's promoted to the home page. Because then it will be harder to get rid of.
So it's our fault not the site's fault. If you had put a comment up pointing this out *before* everyone voted for it then maybe it would never received the votes it has so far.
Your gripe is not with the site but with the community here at fsdaily. If you don't like the community feel free change it. Invite your friends. Perhaps if more like-minded individuals come to the site this sort of story will never see the light of day.
Sorry if I sound harsh at all. I am just sick of seeing people blaming the site when the community drives it. The guys who put this site together have given us (the community) a chance to choose the news that matters to us. They have given us a better alternative to digg. Don't bag them out because a few people submit/vote the wrong kind of stories.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 3 hours ago
If anyone who voted for this wants
If anyone who voted for this wants to unvote for it, you can go to your profile, then hit the "voted" tab and look for the story there. You should be able to then hit "unvote" where you would normally hit "vote".
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 2 hours ago
To hell with voting. Someone needs
To hell with voting. Someone needs to take responsibility for the content that is published on a site that should be promoting and advocating Free Software.
That's the bottom line.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
Huhum... that would be me. I
Huhum... that would be me.
I will not take editorial control over the site as it would defeat the purpose of this project - free software related news by and for the free software community. I will only remove spam, abusive content and non-free-software related content.
I saw this article in the queue and didn't remove it because it *is* related to free software in that it regards using software on a free software operating system. Just as I would consider it free software related to have an article about using free software on Windows.
My personal opinion is this content doesn't belong on FSD but it's not my decision to make; it is the community's. In these situations, I let the community decide - that is the point of a community driven site.
I am sorry if you don't like it.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
Wrong, as editor of a site that
Wrong, as editor of a site that caters to the supporters and advocates of Free Software, you are responsible to make sure that the content (and therefore, overall value) of the site is not sabotaged by those who consciously plant their non-free seeds among us for the sole purpose of leading us away from freedom.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
You have one option that I think
You have one option that I think you should take: leave!
You can start your own site that does what you want it to do. Good luck.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
he say he not the editor. we (the
he say he not the editor. we (the comunity) is! we decide not him. he just give us a place to do it. and get rid of spam which is good for me.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
or...... you can just get your
or...... you can just get your news from or something Jimbob
Some of us are here to read about Free Software news.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
You've got it backwards: As
You've got it backwards:
As the community of editors of a site that caters to the supporters and advocates of Free Software, you are responsible to make sure that the content (and therefore, overall value) of the site is not sabotaged by those who consciously plant their non-free seeds among us for the sole purpose of leading us away from freedom.
I am not the editor - that would be you the community. I am the spam removal service/maintenance man.
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago
i unvote. i not knowing avg propreitry oh
i unvote. i not knowing avg propreitry
oh and i bury to
17 years 4 weeks 1 day 59 min ago
Great so what's to stop Jimbob
Great so what's to stop Jimbob from submitting news about non-free software and then having 50, 100, or 1000 of his co-workers "vote" in order to ensure the story is posted?????
Use your heads people. I understand the value of a community, but that's not what we're talking about here. Obviously, the editors and whoever else is behind the scenes of FSDaily could care less about "community" and are simply interested in expanding their readership *AT ALL COSTS*
From the editor's comments above, we can clearly see that FSDaily has absolutely no integrity and is doing NOTHING to protect this so-called "community" we keep talking about.
If there really was a community here, each and every member would be outraged and would be demanding one or more changes.
For example, are accounts deleted that are found to infect the site with news about non-free wares? Probably not since that would appear to interfere with the site's only objective which is to expand readership no matter what the cost.
So now the jimbobs of FSDaily are annoyed because I'm shedding some light on what's going on here?
- There is no FSDaily community
- There is no integrity
- The site's agenda is a sugar-coated lie
- It is basically LXer all over again
In order to prove me right, let the following take place:
1. All the jimbobs of the site will respond with name calling and tell me to leave.
2. The "editors" will provide more justifications regarding their lack of responsibility
and finally, my account will be deleted.
17 years 4 weeks 23 hours 49 min ago
Okay. I too have unvoted this story.
Okay. I too have unvoted this story. But really, all I needed to know was that I had made a mistake and not realised that I was dealing with non-free software. I didn't need a vitriolic rant talking about how bad this site is, thanks anyway.
17 years 4 weeks 23 hours 47 min ago
> Great so what's to stop Jimbob
> Great so what's to stop Jimbob from submitting news about non-
> free software and then having 50, 100, or 1000 of his co-workers
> "vote" in order to ensure the story is posted?????
Um that is part of my job as maintenance man. Digg has the same problem. I will and do remove articles that are non-free-software related. I just don't remove articles, like this one, which are about both free software and proprietary software. In these situations I let the community decide.
> Use your heads people. I understand the value of a community,
> but that's not what we're talking about here. Obviously, the
> editors and whoever else is behind the scenes of FSDaily could
> care less about "community" and are simply interested in
> expanding their readership *AT ALL COSTS*
You, the community, are the editors. That's all there is to it. I also am part of the community and I get a vote too. I have buried this story. And you call this "at all costs". I find that a little absurd. We are purely developing a community through word of mouth and by advertising on FSM. This decision to not editorialise is based purely on putting the community first.
> For example, are accounts deleted that are found to infect the
> site with news about non-free wares? Probably not
You are incorrect. I regularly have to block the accounts of spammers who are just trying to promote their own proprietary software. So far only the odd non-foss post here or there has been mistakenly posted by well meaning users. I remove the posts and they don't do it again (sometimes they even write to me to apologise) so I don't block them.
> ...since that would appear to interfere with the site's only
> objective which is to expand readership no matter what the cost.
I really do want to expand our readership. You are right there. The more the free software community participates, the more fair and unbiased the site will become. There will be more people to point out proprietary software articles when they are posted (in the way aboutblank and cparker did on this one - thanks guys). There will be more people to defend the site against attacks by the free software community's opponents. But I will try to expand readership at any cost.
> In order to prove me right, let the following take place:
> 1. All the jimbobs of the site will respond with name calling
> and tell me to leave.
I don't think you'll find this community has anyone like that, and that includes Jimbob. So far most of the name calling seems to come from extremists. And, BTW, while I am an avid supporter of free software and do not use any proprietary software at all, I do not classify myself an extremist because I will not force my agenda on anyone. Which, is why I will not take editorial "control" of this site (beyond that which I have already stated).
> 2. The "editors" will provide more justifications regarding
> their lack of responsibility
I am not the editor, but I do feel a need to defend myself against your claims seeing as they are directed at me rather than the real editors the community.
> and finally, my account will be deleted.
Nope. You'd have to ask me to cancel it before I would do that...unless you start spamming or being abusive or continuously posting pro-proprietary software articles.
Now. I don't think I have anything further to say on this matter. In fact, I think I have been having to repeat myself. Can we just agree to disagree and/or go our separate ways? I just don't have time to keep explaining how this site works and I don't like letting unjustified complaints go unanswered.
17 years 4 weeks 23 hours 42 min ago
Jeez, talk about an uber-discussion!
Jeez, talk about an uber-discussion! I unvoted as well. And can I just point out, windowsrefund, that for all your going on about how crap this site is, you should note that the community has self-edited, and the article is now below the requisite votes for publication.
This system just doesn't work at all, does it?
17 years 4 weeks 23 hours 7 min ago
If it worked, it never would have
If it worked, it never would have been published to begin with.
17 years 4 weeks 23 hours 5 min ago
Dave, Stop trying to push your
Stop trying to push your responsibility onto others. If you can't do the job of maintaining the integrity of this site, find someone who can.
17 years 4 weeks 22 hours 59 min ago
@jimbob I don't think it's fair
I don't think it's fair to suggest that windowsrefund should leave. windowsrefund is clearly entitled to his opinion. I just think he is very concerned with what might happen if the community slips in its duty to vet these stories. A few of us (myself included) were a little remiss today and let this one slip through.
IMHO, I really think that the FSM and FSD guys are good guys. They seem to have the promotion of free software in their core interests to me. I got the strong impression that they were sick of MS fanboys on digg and wanted to create an alternative place for foss lovers to come together. I really don't think people like that would after all their work try to promote proprietary software or its use.
I, in no way, advocate the use of proprietary software and think that it is up to us to reject it not the maintainers of the site. It appears as though that has now happened. The story is now buried or at least unpromoted.
I ask you to please focus your energy into being more vigilant and helping us (the fsdaily community) become more aware of what is and isn't free software rather than attacking the integrity of the maintainers of this site.
And I apologise for having voted for this article too. I am not as familiar with what is and isn't free software as I would like. I have now followed Jimbob's instructions and unvoted it too.
Peace and love
17 years 4 weeks 22 hours 41 min ago
As much as I hate to completely
As much as I hate to completely disagree with anyone, I really think you are completely wrong in blaming Dave. I also think that you are being extremely unreasonable. I think that you are misdirecting your anger at the community for not being alert enough to identify it for what it is before it was promoted.
It not Dave's job to go through every article and make sure it is okay for foss-community consumption. That is our job as the community. That's what community driven sites are all about. We have done our job now. The reason we as a community failed is because no one was observant enough to point out AVG is proprietary before it had been promoted. My understanding is that stories are automatically promoted once they achieve a certain number of votes, so it's not like he consciously went out of his way to promote this story. It is extremely unreasonable to expect one person to undertake this task on their own. And even if they did the site would be more like LXer; not less like it. I don't want editors making decisions for me I want to (as part of the community) decide for myself.
I think the community has been letting you know how they feel about your opinions too. But you aren't listening to them. Please take a moment to realize that you are alone in your opinion and that, while this is not always the case, you may well be over-reacting and, well, just plain wrong.
Peace and love
17 years 4 weeks 22 hours 4 min ago
PM, Get off your high horse.
Get off your high horse. There is no "community" here. If there were, this kind of stuff would not happen as frequently as it does. When I see a real community, one united in both spirit and goals, then I'll be more than willing to listen to what it has to say.
Until then, I'll hold the maintainers of this site accountable for the content that is published on this site.
If they can't do the job, all they need to do is bring someone in who can.
Is that simple enough for you to understand?
17 years 4 weeks 20 hours 11 min ago
Nobody seems to care what you think.
Nobody seems to care what you think. Maybe you should take a hint and F off somewhere else. Troll
17 years 4 weeks 5 hours 24 min ago
@windowsrefund i wasn't even
i wasn't even going to comment on this until i see your last, just because you are not a liker/user of Foss doesn't mean you can accuse us of not being a community. after all when it come to software i believe we all share the same views unlike you.
In other words get on you horse a bugger off to