AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Interesting blog about how environmentally friendly Google is, and whether painting the background black instead of white would save electricity and help save the planet.
As more noise in favor of GNU/Linux is heard, some people might feel tempted to replace their solid, green-red-blue-and-yellow Windows system with an unknown, shady, black-and-white Linux penguin. Some of these users, thinking they are about to enter the Promised Land, fail to fully consider the disastrous consequences that abandoning the firm, old Windows tradition may cause.
"...I spend most of my time in Emacs so I needed a way to change the colour of the background and the text easily. Below is some Emacs Lisp code that lets you switch between light-green text on a black background and black text on a white background. When the F12 key is pressed it will switch between the two modes..."
Fix Blue and Green Tinted Video Problem in Ubuntu: I was having this video problem in Ubuntu that happened after an update. The video images became tinted with blue and green colors, or were having some kind of distorted video hues when played on Totem Movie Player as well as other media players.
Black Duck Software recently published some summary statistics about free and open source software license adoption. Any of these conclusions might be reasonable if the 5% figure was meaningful, but Black Duck has given us no reason to believe it is; if anything, their own statements suggest it isn't.
Last year I was happy to see several Linux netbooks included in the Black Friday madness. This Friday Linux-based tablets will be available in stores like Target, Kmart, Best Buy, and Toys R Us, just to name a few. Here's my list of the top Black Friday Linux-based tablets deals along with their specs and where you can find them.
The Black Hat security conference attracts the creme de la creme of the security industry. This year the organizers even offered a paid live stream for those unable to make the trip to Vegas. Called Black Hat Uplink, the service carried a $395 price tag. But as security expert Michael Coates found out, the price could be waived entirely, ...